Rock Paper Scissors Wiki

The following is a list of minor object-based characters appearing on Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Landlord-Con attendees[]

Audience members[]

In "The Arctic", Lou Zer attends Landlord-Con, and becomes part of an audience of other living wastebaskets.


In "The Arctic", the instructor of Landlord-Con is seen presenting on stage. Like Lou and the rest of her audience, the instructor is a living waste receptacle, though she resembles a public waste bin rather than a wastebasket.

Animated refrigerator[]

In "Prank War", a living refrigerator, presumably animated by Pencil's Atomic Transmogrification Laser, is sent after Rock, Paper, and Scissors during the trio's prank war with Pencil and the Rat Bros.

Candy wrappers[]

Orange Candy Wrapper[]


Blue Candy Wrapper[]

