Rock Paper Scissors Wiki
Rock Paper Scissors Wiki

Pencil is a major supporting character on Rock, Paper, Scissors.


Pencil is a sentient No 2. pencil, with lustrous strawberry blonde hair tied into a ponytail held by a purple scrunchie. She wears squarish glasses with thick black frames.


Pencil is extremely smart and is always working on newer and better inventions. Even though she is extremely smart, she likes to let loose and do goofy things with her friends. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to her friends whenever they're in trouble.


  • Pencil is the first female character based on a real life object to be introduced in the series.
  • She is similar to Penny Sanchez from ChalkZone, as they are both highly intelligent female Nickelodeon characters who help the main characters.
  • Simultaneously, the reason it is thought she is a character is because, according to sources, the ancient greek version of Rock paper scissors has pencil in it.

