Rock Paper Scissors Wiki

"Pencil Comes Over" is the first segment of the tenth episode of Rock, Paper, Scissors.


When Pencil comes over to watch a horror movie, Paper worries he'll be too scared to handle it.



  • This episode reveals that Paper doesn't like horror films.
  • According to Pencil, the movie they watch - Terror on Blood Mountain, the Stabbening, the Crabomination, Centipedes in My Ears 2: Centipedes in My Nose, and Nothin' but Jump Scares - has the most scares, almost no dialogue due to the movie characters getting attacked by the Crabomination before they complete their sentences, and a total runtime of 8 hours (480 minutes).
  • Abraham Lincoln makes a reference to his famous writing the Emancipation Proclamation by saying "the Great Emancipaper".
  • It is revealed that Pencil knew that Paper was lying this whole time, and she likes it when Paper squirms, but also likes doing dumb things too.