Rock Paper Scissors Wiki

"Scissors Gets a Job" is the sixth episode of Rock, Paper, Scissors, and the series' first half-hour episode.


When Scissors runs out of money, he tries to become a janitor but discovers that the job involves way more skill than he initially thought. Meanwhile, Rock and Paper try to motivate Scissors in an unusual way.



  • Karma: Rock and Paper try to refuse to share Pizza with Scissors and mock him by eating pizza until he gets a job. In result, Rock and Paper become obese. When Scissors gets a lot of money, he quits his job, forcing Rock and Paper to eat more pizza, causing them to vomit.
  • Right before the commercial break, Scissors breaks the fourth wall by telling the dramatic narrator to stop talking.
  • Running Gag: Whenever Scissors fakes an injury, he says "ow, my [body part(s)] or something."
  • This episode marks the third time Scissors’ hair was longer than usual ("TV Time" "Hide and Seek").
  • This is the third time that Scissors cries ("Prank War" "Eyebrows").


To view the gallery for Scissors Gets a Job, go here.
